Who are we ? 
Protection Against Cyber Threats and Data Theft

We're hard at work designing a feasible but yet cost effective network security solution addressing both workstation and endpoint appliances namely servers.

At the core of all X-Filt Labs Inc. products and services lies a strong emphasis on protecting organizations against cyber threats and internal theft of important proprietary data.

We believe that the most reliable network-based security requires software that must go beyond the typical workstation-based antivirus and hardware-based firewall configurations. We are devloping a unique solution that sets us apart from everyone else in the cyber-security industry.Our idealogy is "Let us secure your networks. We'll guarantee we'll do it better".

Our products are built on research into the cognitive & social psychology of our opposition namely hackers. We believe data can be stolen by hands of employees so we're trying to find a delicate way to address this as well.

In order to design the most reliable & cost-effective solution for our clients, we researched and discovered mechanisms by which protected data can be compromised in all forms of attacks including zero-day exploits. 

Business Growth Through Cyber Protection

Our most important clientele includes large businesses and government departments. We strive to design working solutions that function with the highest reliability, eliminating all doubt about potential perfomance issues and giving our clients the peace-of-mind they require to operate at maximum capacity.

If our client's proprietary data cannot be protected, they will not be able to grow. In the worst case, they will fail to survive in competitive markets.

Therefore, at X-Filt Labs Inc. we strictly do not accept anything less than perfection for our clients.

We have a little background studying embedded hardware backdoor technologies

We have been for the past couple of years or less investigating embedded "backdoor" technologies in present day computer CPUs, smartphones SoC's, portable devices, and other hightech electronic devices. We've worked closely with law enforcement agencies and federal government departments. Our research has drawn to a close. To learn more about our study please take a look at the overview we've made available for download

TO READ Overview of Backdoor Research